Dan Kindig Interview

Dan Kindig Interview

Dan Kindig, past president and long time Friendship attendee, discusses the old days. Dan Kindig has been a fixture for years. His booth hasn’t moved since I first came in 1977.

Dan Kindig Interview from Friendship – Spring 2006


Dan was a lot of fun to speak with. His Friendship experiences go back to his visits as a young boy when his father came. He has many stories about the early days. He can relate experiences as a shooter, president, and as a boy playing along the creek. He is one of “the sources” for all things related to black powder. As we taped the interview, the loud speaker came on to announce the noon menu. I told Dan I’d edit that out, but he said, “Oh no, that reminds me of the meals we used to eat made by the church ladies.” And suddenly we were back 60 years with another view of Friendship. Sounds like good times.

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